Nanjing Polis

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The English Dictionary According to Web**China**r's

Here are the pictures of the dictionary we bought at the imported books store:

A normal looking dictionary

Any offending material covered up with opaque white tape

Select biographical names cut out
(Chiang Kai-shek: leader of the Nationalist Party that was exiled to Taiwan in 1949)

Anything about Taiwan, and anything in proximity to Taiwan (too bad Lake Tahoe)

Sometimes a hasty black marker does the job

If you look just right, you can still make them out with a backlight. The censors need some more advanced technology to really cut out the information.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Leo turns 1

We've had a great end to the summer with Leo's first birthday party. We're also glad to be headed back to classes.

Hanging out on the rooftop with dad

A view from a different angle

Our vegetable market - It puts US grocery stores to shame!

A common storefront sight - very Western looking mannequins.

Leo's first birthday present - books from Grandma

No birthday is complete without balloons

Leo's only underage birthday party guest

The rest of our friends

Cake time!

Leo unsure of what to do with an open flame

Refreshing! We discovered a sanitary way for Leo to go swimming!

Not suitable for children under 3

Going for a walk in the nearby park

Our snaggle-toothed boy